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2024-02-12 04:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Devil magic flower


Screenshot 20171220-110033








目录 1 愤怒阶段 2 Boss列表 2.1 1层 Boss (森林) 2.2 1层 Boss (雪原) 2.3 1层 Boss (遗迹) 2.4 2层 Boss(Knight Kingdom) 2.5 2层 Boss (Dungeon) 2.6 2层 Boss(万圣节关卡) 2.7 2层 Boss (隐藏生物群系) 2.8 Floor 3 Bosses (Spaceship) 2.9 Floor 3 Bosses (火山) 2.10 3层 Boss (海岛) 3 Related Achievements 4 Special Attacks 5 Drops(掉落物) 6 Trivia 愤怒阶段



水晶巨蟹、黄金巨蟹、溶洞冰虫和阿努比斯等Boss可以在愤怒阶段恢复生命,但在愤怒阶段恢复一半以上的生命时也并不能阻止愤怒阶段。 两只飞龙幼崽有单独的生命值,但它们显示为一个。这意味着,一旦它们其中一个的生命值下降到一半以下,任何一方都会愤怒。 同样的情况也会出现在一局拥有“你将面对两个boss,但每个将变得弱一点”挑战因子的游戏。 Boss列表


1层 Boss (森林) Sprite devilsnare Sprite goblinpriest Sprite christmastreant Sprite Easter Bunny Sprite Haunted Goblin Priest 曼陀罗魔花 哥布林祭师 圣诞树人 彩蛋兔 哥布林祭师(腐化)

1层 Boss (雪原) Sprite kingsnowape Sprite giantcrystalcrab Sprite snowmanking Sprite Giant Golden Crab 雪山大猿王 水晶巨蟹 雪人王 黄金巨蟹

1层 Boss (遗迹) Sprite Prehistoric Colossus Sprite Gold Mask 远古巨像 金面猴王

2层 Boss(Knight Kingdom) Sprite Grand Knight alt File:Sprite Grand Wizard.png File:Sprite Grand Slime.png Sprite Dark Grand Knight 大骑士 大巫师 大史莱姆 暗黑大骑士

2层 Boss (Dungeon) File:Sprite Skeleton King alt.png File:Sprite c6h8o6.png 骷髅王 维C机甲


2层 Boss(万圣节关卡) File:Sprite phantomking.png File:Sprite headlessknight.png 幽灵王 无头骑士和他的马

2层 Boss (隐藏生物群系) File:Sprite Cave Ice Bug.png File:Sprite Lord of Infinite Dark.png File:Sprite Grave Guard Scarab Archon.png 溶洞冰虫 (Cave) 无垠黑暗之主 (Swamp) 守墓甲虫王 (Grave)

Floor 3 Bosses (Spaceship) File:Sprite varkolynleader.png File:Sprite zulan.png File:Sprite Floating UFO.png 瓦克恩头目 巨像 祖蓝 镭射幽浮 Floor 3 Bosses (火山) File:Sprite volcanicsandworm.png File:Sprite dragonwhite.png File:Sprite dragonblack.png File:Sprite Anubis.png 火山沙虫 飞龙幼崽 阿努比斯

3层 Boss (海岛) File:Sprite IronPirateKingLevel.png '“大王级”钢铁海盗 钢铁破浪者号

特殊 Boss (found in special cases)

File:Sprite Nian.png File:Sprite Sir Sangria.png File:Sprite Sir Violet.png File:Sprite Sweeping Robot.png 年兽 红爵士 紫爵士 外星母舰 Related Achievements File:Boxer.png Boxer

Kill 20 bosses with One Punch

Reward: none

Special Attacks SnowBoulder.pngSplits into small snowballs upon hit. Deals 4 damage. Found in Snowman King and King Snow Ape bosses.Ice.pngMay follow targets. Cannot be destroyed by melee attacks. Deals 3 damage and freezes. Found in Snowman King and King Snow Ape bosses.Crystal.pngCan block movement and cause 4 damage. Found in the Giant Crystal Crab bossfight.Gold Spikes.pngCan block movement can cause 6 damage, can inflict Burn. Found in the Giant Golden Crab bossfight.Snowchild-0.pngCan pass through walls and shares the same characteristics of an enemy. Found in the Snowman King bossfight.Red Egg.pngSpawns a fire pool upon landing. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Green Egg.pngSpawns a poisonous fire pool upon landing. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Blue Egg.pngReleases a circle of 2-damage bullets that can freeze. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Purple Egg.pngSpawns a goblin guard enemy. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Yellow Egg.pngSpawns a Dire Boar enemy. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Explosive Egg.pngSummons meteors. Found in the Easter Bunny bossfight.Lantern.pngCan pass through walls. May cause Burn upon exploding and cannot be stopped. Found in the Nian bossfight.Fireball.pngPlaces a fire pool upon landing. Found in the Nian bossfight.Cluster.pngWill split into smaller cluster bullets upon hitting a wall or getting hit by a melee attack/melee weapon. Found in Nian, Dark Grand Knight and C6H806 bosses.Shooting.pngCannot be destroyed. May spill out long bullets.Minions.pngCan pass through walls. Found in the Zulan the Colossus bossfight.DragonEgg.pngExplodes after a while or if is hit with projectiles/melee attack or weapon. Spawned by the gray Baby Dragon Bro.Bioball.pngPlaces a green fire pool upon landing and deals 2 damage quickly. Poison and Fire Immunity reduce the damage by 1 each, having both makes the player immune. Found in the Headless Knight bossfight. Can be bounced.Obelisk1.pngSpawns a purple pool that damages the player and causes the Weary debuff. Found in the Anubis bossfight.Obelisk2.pngSpawns mummies every 2 seconds. Found in the Anubis bossfight.UFO rocket.pngHoming and can cause Burn. Unlike other homing projectiles, never stops homing in on the target. Found in the Floating Laser UFO bossfight. Drops(掉落物) 生物质 瓦克恩头目,年兽,飞龙幼崽,金面猴王,大史莱姆,雪山大猿王,彩蛋兔,他的马 铁矿 火山沙虫,镭射幽浮,巨像 祖蓝,远古巨像,金面猴王,幽灵王,骷髅王,维C机甲,大骑士,暗黑大骑士,水晶巨蟹,黄金巨蟹,溶洞冰虫 零件 火山沙虫,镭射幽浮,巨像 祖蓝,远古巨像,维C机甲,溶洞冰虫 木材 圣诞树人,阿努比斯,雪人王 电池 镭射幽浮,巨像 祖蓝,远古巨像,维C机甲,溶洞冰虫 肥料 大史莱姆,无头骑士 魔法碎片 任意一种:哥布林祭师,大巫师 魔法碎片 红:飞龙幼崽 魔法碎片 蓝:巨像 祖蓝 魔法碎片 橙:金面猴王 魔法碎片 绿:溶洞冰虫,火山沙虫 魔法碎片 黑曜:镭射幽浮 魔法碎片 紫:瓦克恩头目 魔法碎片 青:“大王级”钢铁海盗 种子 任意一种:曼陀罗魔花,圣诞树人 曼陀罗魔花:曼陀罗魔花种子 远古巨像:齿轮花种子,铁树种子 萝卜种子:雪人王,彩蛋兔 曼德拉草种子:瓦克恩头目 火龙果树种子:飞龙幼崽 圣诞树种子:圣诞树人 天山雪莲种子:雪山大猿王 曼珠沙华种子:无头骑士 水晶蘑菇种子:水晶巨蟹 黄金蘑菇种子:黄金巨蟹 冬虫夏草种子:火山沙虫,溶洞冰虫 七色堇:大骑士,暗黑大骑士 其他掉落物: 任意一村Boss:磁带“强手” 任意二村Boss:磁带“劲敌” 任意三村Boss:磁带“决战!” 任意雪原Boss:磁带“冰风暴” 任意遗迹Boss:磁带“远眺那辉煌的神庙” 任意森林Boss:磁带“勇闯密林深处” 任意城堡Boss:磁带“英雄的化身” 任意地下城堡Boss:磁带“漆黑地牢” 任意万圣夜Boss:磁带“万圣节幽影” 任意Boss:蓝图[超级大宝贝儿] 阿努比斯:技能残页“祈祷”(牧师二技能),牧师“阿努比斯”皮肤碎片 瓦克恩头目:技能残页“召唤藤蔓”(德鲁伊二技能) 飞龙幼崽:皇天印(工程师),女娲石(机器人) 溶洞冰虫:技能残页“空中支援”(警官三技能),磁带“地表下的秘密” 彩蛋兔:死灵法师“彩蛋兔”皮肤碎片,磁带“春天的礼物” 年兽:磁带“新年新气象”,蓝图[舞狮装甲] 维C机甲:维C机甲碎片,蓝图[维C装甲] 巨像祖蓝:祖蓝碎片,蓝图[信号增幅器] 曼陀罗魔花:精灵“曼陀罗魔花”皮肤碎片 远古巨像:狂战士“思”皮肤碎片 雪山大猿王:技能残页“跳跃”(狂战士三技能) 幽灵王:吸血鬼“幽灵王”皮肤碎片 大巫师:法师“大巫师”皮肤碎片 无头骑士:狂战士“无头骑士”皮肤碎片 大骑士:圣骑士“大骑士”皮肤碎片 (“大王级”钢铁海盗:?) Iron Pirate King level: King's Emblem (Paladin). (“大王级”钢铁海盗:?) Boss Weapons (3-5 Boss' weapons do not appear unless Loop Mode or Boss Rush Mode is active): Boss对应武器(3-5Boss的武器无法从宝箱获取) 定海神针(金面猴王) 重拳出击!(远古巨像) 星陨杖(哥布林祭师) 重生十字章(彩蛋兔) 躁动的树干(圣诞树人) 食人花(曼陀罗魔花) 大猿长弓(雪山大猿王) 雪人之鹰(雪人王) 晶蟹太刀(水晶巨蟹) 金蟹战锤(黄金巨蟹) 大骑士的剑(大骑士) 暗黑大骑士的剑(暗黑大骑士) 大巫师之杖(大巫师) 魔法手套(大史莱姆) 轰炸机(维C机甲) 死灵法杖(骷髅王) 备用王冠(幽灵王) 国王的新枪(无头骑士和他的马) 守墓人短斧(守墓甲虫王) 黑暗残影(◿ ⊣⊢ ⨀ ϟ ‡) 痛苦面具(溶洞冰虫) 沙虫(火山沙虫) 火龙步枪(飞龙幼崽) 阿努比斯的权杖(阿努比斯) 浮游炮,镭射浮游炮(巨像祖蓝) 瓦克恩冲锋枪(瓦克恩头目) 死星镭射(镭射幽浮) 未完成的鲨鱼火炮(“大王级”钢铁海盗) 舰长徽章(钢铁破浪者号) Trivia 在1.3.5更新之前, Boss们使用骷髅头File:Yummy~.png作为愤怒的标识。 现在的表示使用更好的纹理。 Boss战开始时会播放特殊的音乐,在战斗结束后不会播放任何音乐。 不过在结束后关闭音乐,再开启能够继续听到Boss战音乐。 哥布林祭师是唯一一个可以掉落6种魔法碎片的1-5Boss。 在1.4.1更新之前, there used to be two portals that appeared after beating the first boss. The left one took the player to the Knight floor and the right one took the player to the Dungeon floor. A glitch occurred during Update 2.3.0 such that boss shockwaves were much bigger than expected.







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